Rabu, 07 Mei 2014


Diposting oleh Cheesecake di 04.03


shùn jiān xiāo shī de yī dào guāng
chōng mǎn xìng fú huí yì de nà yī dào guāng máng
jǐ hū ràng wǒ biàn dé mù máng
nǐ què yǐ yuǎn qù dào dá wǒ jiē chù bú liao de dì fāng 

nǐ xiàng shì shǎn diàn chà nà de guāng máng
shì jiè bèi diǎn liàng yòu yǐn cáng
xiàng quán shì jiè dōu shǔ yú wǒ yī yàng
què zhī néng cāng cù yī yǎn de zhāng wàng 

wǒ xiàng léi shēng yī yàng de chí huǎn
xiǎng zhǎo xún nǐ què tài màn
Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom
xiàng nǐ zhào huàn zhè yī qiē dōu yǐ tài wǎn 

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh shì dào rú jīn wǒ cái dǒng
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh xiàn zài cái yīn nǐ xīn tòng
Thunder Thunder Thunder xiǎng yào bǎ nǐ jǐn wò
Thunder Thunder Thunder 

nǐ de bèi yǐng yǐ zǒu xiàng yuǎn fāng
shí jiān bǎ wǒ men de jù lí biàn dé gèng zhǎng
zài nǐ yuǎn qù de fāng xiàng
huì bú huì shì wǒ zhōng yú mò shēng de xīng guāng 

nǐ jiù xiàng shǎn diàn yī yàng de cōng máng
shì fǒu wǒ yǒng yuǎn zhuī bú shàng
wǒ men zhī jiān zhè yáo yuǎn de shí chà
wú fǎ zài tóng yī gè kōng jiān lǐ dào dá 

wǒ xiàng léi shēng yī yàng de chí huǎn
xiǎng zhǎo xún nǐ què tài màn
Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom
xiàng nǐ zhào huàn zhè yī qiē dōu yǐ tài wǎn 

ràng wǒ gēn suí zhe nǐ gēn suí zhe nǐ
zhuī zhú zhe nǐ zhuī zhú zhe nǐ
xún mì zhe nǐ xún mì zhe nǐ
màn màn de yuǎn lí qù 

jiù ràng wǒ chāo yuè shí jiān chāo yuè zhè zuò gāo bì
cóng xiàn zài dào kāi shǐ nà xiàng tóng de fēng jǐng
xiàng xìn wǒ kě yǐ zài zài huí dào guò qù
wǒ yī èr zài xīn dǐ dú miǎo cè wǒ men de jù lí 

Thunder Thunder Thunder xiǎng yào bǎ nǐ jǐn wò
yǐ yuǎn qù de nǐ xiǎng yào bǎ nǐ jǐn wò
Thunder Thunder Thunder xiǎng yào bǎ nǐ jǐn wò
Thunder Thunder Thunder


A light that disappears in a moment
That light that was filled with happy memories
It has almost made me blind
Yet you have already gone to a place that I cannot touch 

You’re like lightning, a flash of light
The world is lit up, then hidden again
It’s like the entire world is like me
Only able to look around hastily 

I’m slow like the sound of thunder
Trying to find you but I’m too slow
Boom boom boom boom boom boom
I call to you, all of this is already too late 

Oh oh oh oh oh I just understood things now
Oh oh oh oh oh only now is my heart hurting because of you
Thunder thunder thunder I want to hold you tight
Thunder thunder thunder 

Your silhouette has already gone far
Time has made our distance even longer
In the direction that you have gone away
Could it be me, the finally unfamiliar starlight 

You’re in a hurry just like lightning
If I can never catch up to you
The distant time difference between us
We can’t arrive in the same space 

I’m slow like the sound of thunder
Trying to find you but I’m too slow
Boom boom boom boom boom boom
I call to you, all of this is already too late 

Let me follow you, follow you
Chase you, chase you
Search for you, search for you
Slowly going far away 

Just let me surpass time, surpass this high wall
From now until the beginning, that same scenery
Believe that I return, return to before
I count down our distance in my heart, one, two 

Thunder thunder thunder I want to hold you tight
You who has already gone far away, I want to hold you tight
Thunder thunder thunder I want to hold you tight
Thunder thunder thunder


你像是闪电 剎那的光
Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom
向你召唤 这一切都已太
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh 事到如今我才懂
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh 现在才因你心
Thunder Thunder Thunder 想要把你
Thunder Thunder Thunder
会不会是我 终於陌生的星
Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom
向你召唤 这一切都已太
让我 跟随着你 跟随着
追逐着你 追逐着你
寻觅着你 寻觅着
Thunder Thunder Thunder 想要把你
远去的你 想要把你
Thunder Thunder Thunder 想要把你
Thunder Thunder Thunder
Credit: hyewon@exom-trans

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